Group Detox--Let's talk this thru.
Welcome to 2025. When I hear that number, it seems like yesterday we were talking about Y2K and how it would shut down the world. Well, here we are, and the world didn't get shut down with Y2K. I love the holidays and everything that goes with them, but if you are like me, you may have let the holidays get the best of you, and it's time to make some changes to "right the ship." I have a proposition for you: an invitation to join me and many of the Irsfeld Pharmacy employees in a group detox.
You may be wondering what this entails. The detox is a 10-day program that uses specific detox products combined with a diet spelled out in the protocol.
It is not a weight loss program, but most lose weight due to a clean diet and the removal of toxins. I like this protocol because it is only 10 days, and it is an excellent jump-start to getting you on a better path to improving overall health.
The word "toxin" doesn't describe a specific class of compounds but rather something that can cause harm to our body. If you look up the definition, you will get this: A poisonous or harmful nonbiological substance, such as a pollutant. Toxins can also be a byproduct of a living cell or organism that, when released, can cause disease when introduced to the bodily tissue. The focus of this article will be on toxins as pollutants.
Toxins can be detrimental to our systems. A growing body of literature suggests that there may be an association between toxin exposure and some long-term health conditions, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and atherosclerosis, along with many other chronic diseases and illnesses.
Our bodies are amazing detoxifiers. However, some toxins can build up and be stored in our fat tissue. Eventually, if these toxins are left unchecked, they can be sources of inflammation, and as we know, inflammation can promote chronic disease and illnesses, as discussed above.
Toxins can also affect our microbiome, the bacteria littering our intestinal tract, disrupting it, or killing it off. Knowing that toxins are in the environment is the first step in understanding that toxins are a problem.
When our bodies deal with toxins, we have two options to consider: decreasing exposure to toxins and enhancing their removal. When reducing exposure, here are some common and not-so-common toxins that you might want to avoid: cash register receipt tape, non-organic fruits and vegetables, swordfish and tuna, electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and plastic.
Self-care products are another source of everyday toxins.
Estimates show that we are exposed to 127 toxins before we leave the house in the morning, and many of them involve things we spray and apply while standing in front of the mirror. Here are some products to consider avoiding: deodorant, lipstick, and antibacterial soap.
The Environmental Working Group has a site called Skin Deep that can help you choose safe products for you and your family. Here is the site:
The body's natural detoxification process occurs in three phases.
Phase I: Reaction—The first phase of metabolic detoxification occurs when your body utilizes enzymes to turn toxins into free radicals. Free radicals commonly occur in our systems, and our bodies are designed to process them, but they are a problem when we have too many. In this conversion process, toxins are transformed into water-soluble molecules that are easier for our bodies to get rid of via our kidneys and eventually removed in our urine.
Phase II: Neutralization—After phase I, some toxins can be more reactive and not easily removed via the kidneys. In Phase II, these toxins are attached to other water-soluble substances, making them easier to eliminate in the urine and bile. This process is called conjugation (connecting) and requires certain enzymes to make it happen.
Phase III: Transportation -
Transporters ensure that the water-soluble compounds created in the first two phases are excreted from your cells. Before this occurs, Phase III neutralizes the compounds, binds them with dietary fiber in the gut, and is excreted in our feces.
Let me simplify the previous paragraphs. Toxins like fat and our tissue cell walls are made from fat; toxins can readily enter our cells. The more fat we have on our frame, the more toxins can be stored in this tissue. Detoxification is done by pulling toxins out of our tissue and making them water soluble in our liver through specific metabolic reactions. Once these toxins are water soluble, our bodies have an easier time eliminating them from our systems via our urine, sweat, and feces.
Other things to consider to ensure the elimination systems are also working optimally include whether you are drinking enough water. Staying hydrated is essential to helping with toxin elimination.
Do you have daily bowel movements?
Detoxing for a constipated patient can make the person not feel very well. The toxins are removed in the gastrointestinal tract, and if a person is constipated, the toxins we are removing can be reabsorbed back into the system. Our bodies now reprocess those toxins along with the toxins we are freeing up.
When detoxing, ideally, you would want a formula that has select liver-supporting nutrients and cofactors, including taurine, N-acetylcysteine (NAC), methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), trimethylglycine (TMG), quercetin, curcumin, green tea extract, milk thistle extract, grape seed extract, and methyl folate, to name a few. These ingredients have been shown to support healthy phase I and phase II detoxification in the liver.
You also want gut-friendly ingredients that support the GI tract and add plenty of fiber to help latch onto toxins for easy removal.
Most detox products come in powder form that can be mixed with water to get all these ingredients. They are also available in capsules for those who don't like the shake format; however, you will need to take many capsules to get an appropriate dose.
We have an excellent detox questionnaire that patients can take to evaluate their need for detox. The questionnaire is free, and it provides some excellent information based on your answers that you can act on.
We would love to have you join our detox journey. Please reach out to my staff at the pharmacy, as they would be more than willing to help you out at 701-483-4858. All my articles can be found online at our website, My podcast,
"The Irsfeld Pharmacy Optimal You Podcast,"
can also be accessed through the website.
Until next time, be vigilant about your health!!
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