My last article included an overview of fibromyalgia (FM), what it is, incidence, symptoms and conventional treatments. This article will look at non-conventional treatments and looking at FM as an auto-immune condition and ways to potentially treat it from that perspective.
When looking at FM, all of the treatment modalities look at treating the pain and really not looking at the potential underlying issues. Some theories on what the underlying cause is revolve around genetics, gut health, infections and environmental triggers.
First, we can look at genetics. When you think about your genetic makeup, you may think that you are stuck with what you have and that it cannot be influenced in any way. There is some truth to that but and this is a big but, your lifestyle can affect your genes. Some genes can be turned off and some can be turned on simply by eating right, exercising, getting sufficient sleep and decreasing stress. So, don’t throw your hands up in the air and throw in the towel, you can influence these factors.
The second cause would be gut health and leaky gut to be more specific. Leaky gut allows objects (proteins, pathogens or toxins) to be absorbed into our bodies that have no reason to be there. Our bodies react to those objects and create an inflammatory reaction. This reaction is our bodies defense response to invading objects. Unfortunately, when the leaky gut is not healed, the inflammatory response never resolves and, in most people, we become used to dealing with that response.
Healing the leaky gut begins with eating a good clean diet. Natural healing foods can include: bone broth, homemade apple sauce, and fermented foods to name a few. Supplements to help heal the gut include: aloe vera, glutamine, licorice root, isomalto-oligosaccharides, fucosyllactose, and bovine colostrum to name a few. Products include Glutagenics, Ultra GI Replenish and Sovereign Labs Bovine Colostrum.
General digestive support in the form of hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes and pro- and pre- biotics may need to be considered. Metagest Enzymes and Ultra Flora probiotics. These products can help to better digest food and prepare it for absorption. Chewing your food 25-30 times per bit and adequate clean water consumption are also a must.
Treating underlying infections whether bacterial, fungal or parasitic, can help with resolution of a leaky gut or at least prevent the absorption of these pathogens that can wreak havoc in our systems. Natural ingredients that can be effective include: essential oils red thyme and oregano, herbs like berberine, Oregon grape and coptis along with Chinese herbs like licorice, skull cap and ginger. These include products like Candibactin AR and Candibactin BR.
When looking at environment triggers, you would want to decrease the amount of toxins you are exposed to. This can be toxins from self-care products, cleaning products, pesticides and herbicide from your yard and the foods that you eat, unfiltered water, unclean air, heavy metals from your work place to name a few. Take baby steps in this process and work on small changes to your lifestyle and over time you will have made great strides in improving your overall health.
I have written about each one of the above topics more in depth in previous articles which can be found in this blog section.
Alternative therapies, such as massage, myofascial release, acupuncture, chiropractic, herbal supplements and yoga, can be effective tools in the managing of FM symptoms. Increasing rest, pacing activities, reducing stress, and practicing relaxation can help minimize symptoms and improve quality of life.
Figuring out the source or underlying cause of FM or any autoimmune condition can be a lifelong process and, in some patients, they and their practitioners may never figure out the cause. When that happens, we are forced to use band aides. In my next article, I will look at a compounded product that we have been making at the pharmacy for the last 12 years.
We have talked about band aides and if you had to resort to that as an option, this is a really good one that I look forward to sharing with you. Until next time, be vigilant about your health!!
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