Today's article will discuss some aspects of sustainability and how they relate to our overall health. If you look up the definition of sustainability, you will get a reference to the word sustain, which has multiple meanings. The meaning I want to focus on for the sake of this article is to keep up or prolong. What health promoting activity can we start today and continue to do for a very long time.
In today's world, we are bombarded with health-related programs in the areas of diet, exercise, mental health, and stress reduction, to name a few. How do we weed through all the information and come up with a plan that we can have success with and one that we can sustain for a long time? Therein lies the challenge, which I would like to discuss today.
When considering changes to your routines that will ultimately improve your overall health, it is essential to establish what goals or changes you would like to make and the expectations that accompany them. What are you trying to achieve with a new program or change? What happens if I fail to achieve the goal? Am I prepared to stumble along the way, and how will I react?
In some of my previous articles, I've talked about having a "carrot" or a goal that gives us the drive to try to make a change or achieve or achieve a goal.
Some ideas can be:
• I want to be able to walk or run in a 5K race.
• I want to lose 10 pounds
• I want to start a keto or paleo diet
• I want to run a marathon
• I want to get up from the ground by myself when I play with my grandchildren.
• I want to stop snacking after my evening meal.
• I want to get up every morning, stretch for ½ hour, workout for 1 & ½ hours
• I want to be able to walk to the mailbox
• I want to cut Cheetos out of my diet.
• I want to run 10 miles every day
• I want to exercise
• For me, the carrot is always riding in the Maah Daah Hey bike race each August
The goals listed are more short-term, but if you want to be more aggressive in your thought process, you could ask yourself, "Where do I see myself in the next 20 to 30 years?" The question makes it seem like that is a long way off, but it will be here before you know it. That is a question that you should be asking yourself, and if you don't like the answer, you need to start working on making the necessary changes to meet your goals.
Here is where sustainability comes in. Are my goals or changes something I can do for an extended period? I included some goals on the list that are not fully sustainable, such as the keto/paleo diet, the 10 miles every day, and the 2 hours of stretching and working out every day. They all have merit and are possible, but they could be more sustainable. Now, if a guy were retired and had unlimited free time, that might be a different story.
Diet goals are a whole different topic, but there is information emerging that diets that don't include fresh fruits and vegetables can really mess up our microbiome, or the bacteria scattered throughout our gastrointestinal tract.
Once you have established your goals, now is the time to look at them and make a plan to succeed. Making changes or goals that are too lofty can lead to frustration and a feeling of failure. Life is long and messy, and we have times when everything is going great, while other times, it is just hard, and things are not going well. We hope to have more good times than bad but know there will be bad times. The key to dealing with the bad times is not beating yourself up.
Cutting Cheetos out of my diet was one of the things listed above. If you are not a Cheeto fan but love chips, candy, baked goods, or maybe even sodas, slowly trying to get them out of your diet will only make you healthier. Slowly chip away at your bad habits. But remember, if you have a bad day or a "cheat" day, it's not the end of the world. Pick yourself up and get back on the path towards better health.
You may have heard the saying, "You can't eat an elephant in one bite!" That is true, but if you have a couple of bites every day, you will eventually eat the elephant. Small steps toward optimal health are the key to pushing the needle in the right direction. You will never reach the goal if you don't start the journey.
If you think there is a magic pill to cure everything, I will disappoint you by saying there is not. You will always need to weigh the risk vs. the benefit of everything you put into your body. Eating real food has no risk; the benefit would be better health. Please start the journey and slowly add sustainable changes that will set you up for the next 20-30 years. Be better!!
If you would like help or more information about sustainable practices, do not hesitate to contact my pharmacy. My staff and I would be more than willing to help you. Call 701-483-4858. All my articles can be found online at our website, My podcast, "The Irsfeld Pharmacy Optimal You Podcast," can also be accessed through the website.
Until next time, be vigilant about your health!!
Fax #: (701) 483-4926
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