By Steve Irsfeld RPh
January 8, 2025
The start of any year often begins with resolution and even though we are already a week into the New Year, it’s not too late to propose another option. When you think about a resolution, the focus is usually to make a change or do something to better improve our quality of life. Most often resolutions revolve around health and exercise but today I am going to talk about the Core Four and why, if you don’t take a dietary supplement, it can provide great benefit in overall health. A common question I hear at the pharmacy is, “I don’t take any vitamins, so where should I start?” That is an excellent question for two reasons; first, it is an indication that the patient is interested in bettering their health, and secondly, that they see value with supplements helping in that change. The keyword in that last statement is value. The definition of value is; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something. Another word that fits into this conversation is quality. I have written articles on value and quality in the past, and they are essential attributes when choosing a supplement that you will be taking for many years to come. You get what you pay for in this arena. The answer to their great question about where to start is quite simple, and we refer to it as the core 4. We call it “foundational nutrition” because it is the foundation of health, and without a strong foundation, the structure or body can easily crumble. The four supplements that comprise the Core 4 are Multivitamin/mineral, Vitamin D, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, and Probiotics. Below is an explanation of the Core 4, along with a way to monitor levels in your body. Multivitamin: This is to fill in the gaps that our diets don’t meet. It is well documented that our food supply does not contain the same amount of nutrients as it did 40-50 years ago, and that is if we are eating a balanced diet. The goal is optimal health and providing nutrients is essential for making that happen. A micronutrient test can look at the levels of critical nutrients, and the cost is $400 Vitamin D: This is formed when your skin is exposed to sunlight. Unfortunately, we live too far from the equator to allow the sun to make this happen year around. If it’s warm enough in April, the sun is potent enough, and getting 10-15 minutes of exposure should cover us until about mid-September. That means that we won’t be getting our daily dose of Vitamin D for 6-7 months out of the year. It only makes sense for us to supplement, and if you are like me, my tan usually comes from the fluorescent lights of the pharmacy. 5000IU/day is the adult dose that I recommend. You can test Vitamin D for as little as $50. Omega 3 Fatty Acids or Fish Oil: Unless you eat fish twice a week, you probably are not getting the necessary amount of omega 3 to help support cell structure. Omega 3’s are anti-inflammatory, essential for the brain, skin, and eyes, and have cardiovascular benefits. Omega 3’s are one of the few supplements that cost less to buy as a supplement than if you were going to get it from a food source. Dosing ranges from 1000 to 4000mg per day of EPA + DHA depending on the treatment plan. You can find these amounts under the supplemental Facts on the label. Testing your levels is an option and can be done for $75 Probiotics: It seems a bit weird that we would add bacteria to our systems, and good would come from it, but yes, that is the case. Having a healthy gut flora, the combination of bacteria, fungus, and viruses line our intestinal tract, affects so many things: immune system, skin conditions, aging, digestive disorders, mood, and brain function, weight gain, fatigue, and more. It is almost impossible to help anyone who is not feeling optimal if they have an unhealthy gut that remains unaddressed. Many companies will look at stool bacteria for under $200. As stated above, the Core 4 is foundational nutrition, and building a regimen off of that is where a personalized protocol comes into play. That protocol could include joint health, gut health, inflammation, stress, or immune health, to name a few Treating each patient as an individual needs to happen because we are unique. One of the challenges is meeting the patient where they are at in their health journey. Here are a few examples of that: • How often can they take their supplement? I can usually convince them that if they brush their teeth twice a day, they can take supplements twice a day, and I know this because I fall into this category. • What can they afford to spend on a regimen? Trying to work within the confines of this because if you bombard them with too much product they can’t afford, they can shut down and quit. • And lastly, what are their expectations? Regarding expectations, consider the following: “Your health is like a train speeding down the track at top speed. If you are in poor health, the train is going in the wrong direction. My job is to help you go from top speed, slowly decelerate until you come to a stop, change tracks, turn around, start moving, and get you back to top speed on the healthy track.” How long do you think it will take for this to happen? Today, you often expect to make that happen by just taking a magic pill. I hope I don’t burst anyone’s bubble, but that train analogy will not happen by simply taking a pill. It requires hard work and commitment, something very different than a magic pill, and it may cost you more than that perceived magic pill, but, in the end, you will be better off for it. Please stop by the pharmacy or call to schedule an appointment. Let us help you navigate the Core 4 or design a protocol to meet your needs. Please visit my website at to view this and other health-related articles in the blog section. Until next time, be vigilant about your health!!
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