Writing an article every week requires a topic, and coming up with a topic can be a challenge. This last weekend, while visiting our granddaughter, I had the chance to see one of my sons-in-law and asked him what subject he would like me to write about. He was interested in the basics, what to test and what to take, “just tell me what to do” were the words he used. Today’s article will start with the most straightforward, least expensive tests and follow up next week with more in-depth testing and supplementation. It will be a fact-finding journey with actionable items based on the testing results.
I had to laugh at the title of this article as back in the 1970s; Steve Martin had a comedy album titled “Let’s Get Small.” As part of his routine, he talked about taking a drug that made you tiny. The humor was excellent and clean and corny, but it was funny. Youtube it and see what you think.
Where to start? Vitamin D, in my book, is king; it is the easiest and least expensive test to do and to supplement. We need this nutrient for many reasons, but immune support and mood at this time of year are critical because we get Vitamin D from our skin’s exposure to the sun, and we won’t get any until late spring of next year. Testing costs $50 and less when added to other testing.
Omega 3 testing would be the next recommendation as it is an inexpensive test that can yield much information. Omega 3’s are an integral part of cell structure and inflammation. The test will check for omega 3 status, Omega 6:Omega 3 ratio, and Arachidonic acid:EPA ratio. The 3 values will give you a glimpse into whether you are getting enough Omega 3’s in your diet or with supplementation, and the last two provide some insight on Omega 3’s and inflammation. The cost for this test is $75.
The omega 3 test gives a peek into inflammation, but performing specific tests to determine inflammation can also be done. The two that are most tested are homocysteine and c-reactive protein or CRP. These two tests can be done by any provider on a routine blood draw without an order if you want to find out where you stand regarding inflammation. CRP is a $50 test, and your provider can do homocysteine
The rise of blood glucose (BG) can indicate pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Blood glucose can be checked with a simple blood glucose monitor, which gives a snapshot of where your BG is in relation to a meal. A meter and 50 test strips will set you back $25-50.
Another option is to purchase a continuous blood glucose monitor for about $75. The monitor is attached to your arm and has a needle that measures blood glucose in your serum. The device is painless to use and sends results to your phone so you know how you react to certain foods and how exercise influences those levels. It’s a great tool to get a better understanding of how your lifestyle is affecting BG levels and how to get them under control.
Testing for fasting insulin is another easy test to find how your body processes blood glucose. If your level is elevated, it can be an early indication that you are predisposing yourself to pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Insulin will rise before your blood glucose elevates, making it an excellent marker to test when looking at ways to prevent chronic disease. The test is a blood spot test for $60, or your provider can do it with a routine fasting blood draw.
The topic of leaky gut has been discussed several times in this column, and now we can easily test utilizing a finger stick at-home test. I have a decent gut, but I decided to have it tested at a recently attended conference. The results showed that I have a leaky gut and a food sensitivity to coffee, which I really enjoy. I plan to repair the gut and remove the coffee for a month or two and then rechallenge to see if having it out of my life makes a significant difference. Fingers crossed that it doesn’t, but I’ll keep you posted. The gut permeability test runs for $125.
Much has changed in the last 35 years since I entered the profession, almost everything except cholesterol testing. The standard is total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides. Yet another option is to look at lipoprotein particle size, which can be done with an LPP (Lipo-Protein Particle) test. I included it with the lower end of testing @ $175 because I think it’s just that important if you want additional markers tested to take a deeper look at cardiovascular risk.
When explaining particle size, think of the lining of your blood vessels like a tennis net. Tennis balls (large lipoproteins) bounce off the net, yet golf balls (small dense lipoproteins) go through the net. It is these small, dense lipoproteins that get into the lining of your blood vessels and create calcification or narrowing of the vessels.
This article gave you a start when looking at how you might allocate your resources for testing as you navigate your health journey. In next week’s article, we will look at some additional testing that can be done to better understand the direction of your health, along with a discussion on foundational nutrition.
If you would like a different look at how to address chronic disease and illness through testing, stop by or call the pharmacy (701-483-4858). Please visit my website at www.irsfeldpharmacy.com to find this and other archived articles in the blog section.
Until next time, be vigilant about your health!
Fax #: (701) 483-4926
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