NAD and Longevity
As we enter the year 2023, I'm finding it hard to believe that it has been 23 years since the turn of the century. They say that time flies when you are having fun, so I must be having some fun. When I think about my faith, family, friends, and work, life is a hoot. For many, making New Year's resolutions is a big deal, and the hope is that the resolutions turn into healthy habits.
I resolve to incorporate stretching into my fitness regimen and firm up my morning regimen. I'm an early riser, so waking up at 5 am is not a big deal, but I need to work on not whittling away the first couple hours of the morning. I plan to wake up, drink 1 cup of coffee and 16oz of water or an electrolyte solution, spend 10 minutes in prayer while I do a Beemer session, and then start on 45-60 minutes of exercise. If you ask my employees, I am usually late for work each morning, so I plan to change that bad habit, which a better morning routine should help. I will keep you posted on my progress.
I wrote an article in May of 2019 on vitality and longevity, explaining that my goal, and hopefully the goal for most, is to live a long life and have a vital life. The meaning of vital may differ for each of us. My definition is the ability to do physical things with my children and grandchildren throughout my lifespan with minimal limitations. One of the reasons I am incorporating stretching into my exercise regimen is that it is one of the core tenants of healthy aging, which include strength, balance, mental acuity, and flexibility.
How does a person make those things happen now that the tenants are defined? When thinking about strength, the natural place to migrate to is large muscles, and while that is one component of maintaining strength, it may not be the most important. A strong core will help so many aspects of our lives and is a must for the second item on the healthy aging list, balance. If our core muscles are weak, our balance will be compromised. I asked a local trainer, "what is more important, big muscle or a strong core." He said, "when I was bodybuilding, my muscles were huge, but I felt like crap, and my back was always sore." The core is key.
Muscle wasting is a phenomenon that occurs naturally over time. Maintaining muscle mass is essential as muscle burns more calories than fat, so having adequate muscle will help us maintain or achieve optimal weight. Weight-bearing exercise will help with a sufficient amount of protein in our diets.
Balance is a combination of core strength and fast twitch muscle involvement. Having a regimen that incorporates core strength will make you sturdier. When I say core strength, I am referring to the muscles in your abdomen and back and any other muscles that are attached to these areas. I like to use a balance board to help engage the quick twitch muscles that will compensate and help make me sturdier over time.
Several articles have discussed mental acuity, but some simple things that can be beneficial are reading, puzzles, crossword, and one of my favorites, wordle. All these options and there are many others, are designed to challenge your thinking ability. Biofeedback is another newer area that can help stimulate and challenge your brain. Sitting in a chair watching TV or scrolling through your social media feeds are not good ways to stimulate your brain.
Flexibility is something I will be incorporating more in 2023. My goal, as stated, is to work it into my workout regimen twice a week. Specifically, I will do yoga at least one of those two times. This area could be more fun, and I could improve at it. Yoga is not the only form of stretching or flexibility training; search the internet for options that might be age appropriate or if you are a beginner to stretching. As with all exercise, find something you like to do so that you will want to stretch.
How do nutrients fit into the longevity equation, in particular, NAD? NAD is an abbreviation for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a nutrient found in every human body cell. NAD is a coenzyme in cellular function, helping convert glucose to energy, making it vital for optimal cellular function. NAD also helps prevent DNA damage, protects our bodies from disease, and regulates our circadian or daily rhythm. Because NAD is integral to cellular energy, without it, cells wouldn't be able to generate energy and won't be able to function correctly.
As we age, NAD levels begin to decline. Decreased NAD levels are associated with a decrease in DNA integrity, reduction in muscular functioning, metabolic dysfunction, stiffening of the arteries, and neurologic decline. The list is not something you want to start experiencing; these issues can be avoided by increasing NAD levels.
Some natural ways to increase NAD are through diet, specifically avocados, broccoli, and cabbage. Mild stress during exercise can stimulate production and moderate exposure to the sun. You can also elevate your levels with NAD supplements or precursors, nutrients that are converted into NAD. The use of nicotinamide mononucleotide or NMN has been shown in small studies to increase the blood levels of NAD over 12 weeks. Oral administration of NMN is a safe and practical strategy to boost NAD levels.
Remember, what we do today is the foundation for the next 20 years. It is not too late to fix your foundation and take control of your health so you can fully enjoy the next 20 years. The process is not as simple as taking a "magic pill." Although NAD is a good start, you can take back your health and enjoy the benefits of longevity with the proper protocols and mindset. Persistence, dedication, change, and sacrifices are part of the process. Getting older does not need to be a negative experience.
If you have questions or are interested in setting up a consultation, feel free to call the pharmacy at 701-483-4858. Please visit my website at to view this and other health-related articles in the blog section. Until next time, be vigilant about your health!!
Fax #: (701) 483-4926
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